This is a great article that we published a few years ago and I wanted to put this wonderful woman’s work out to the world again, as her passion has made a difference in so many lives and her story is an inspiration for us all!

Dr. Regina Benjamin, our current Surgeon General, is a real life hero in a day and age when heroes are far and few between. Her life is one that all of us could learn from. Her undying commitment to her community of Bayou La Batre, Alabama consisted of founding a non-profit clinic for the locals and rebuilding it after two hurricanes and a fire … oftentimes using her own money to do so. Eighty hour work weeks and endless house calls after disasters became commonplace in Dr. Benjamin’s life, but she was not daunted by the challenges as they seemed to simply strengthen her conviction to keep fighting for a better life for those around her. As I sat there waiting for the arrival of an amazing woman,  I thought about the huge impact that she has had on the world around her.

That same passion to “make a difference” has miraculously propelled her to a position of power in which she has the potential to touch a world much larger than her local community in Alabama. As Surgeon General, her primary focus is on reducing obesity and promoting wellness. Much to my delight, Dr. Benjamin shared that she is a supporter of integrative medicine. It is inspiring to know that the current office of Surgeon General is  held by someone who is intelligent, passionate and compassionate!

As Dr. Benjamin walked up to the table, she was filled with a vitality and sweetness that I did not expect. In the past, when I would conjure up an image of a Surgeon General in my head, it usually resembled someone like Dr. Coop, who is older, white and male. Thank heavens Regina Benjamin breaks all of these preconceived notions as she is young, female and expressive about creating positive changes in existing healthcare standards. She sat down next to me and even before we got to talking about potential projects, we chatted about our dinner choices. It made me smile as we talked about whether to order a glass of Chardonnay that was aged in either oak or steel vats … and whether it  mattered at all. Her heart was open and her smiles were generous. Dr. Benjamin’s humble spirit and warmth made it feel as though I was talking with an old friend.

Throughout the evening, Dr. Benjamin spoke of her desire to reduce youth violence and tobacco usage. Her great annoyance in relation to  tobacco companies marketing new nicotine products to young people was apparent. She also talked of the difficulties that she faced in working to get a message out to the public in relation to obesity. It was hard for her to reach the lower income population with a message to buy healthy foods when eating fast food, unhealthy options is so much cheaper.

As Surgeon General, Dr. Regina Benjamin faces immense challenges in her present position, but I’ve no doubt she’ll jump those hurdles with the same unwavering passion and grace that she has exhibited in her heroic past.