Using Circle Principles to Bring Success, Balance and Magic into Your Life

by Deborah Koppel Mitchell

When we come together in circle with clear intent and presence, something very magical and powerful occurs. There is a synergy created in circle, a presence that is healing and indescribable in full by words.

Like many of you, I have been examining and redefining my perspective and many life roles as a woman, life partner and human being. Old ways of thinking no longer work at this point, and ideas about traditional gender roles and views on success have changed. I find a growing awareness of how my attitude has been shifting to a much deeper place.

Choosing to focus more on creating balance and harmony while contributing to life as a whole has taken the forefront. Beyond counting my blessings, I now focus on simply filling my heart with appreciation. This brings me to a more receptive state of being. Therefore, I have more to give and in-turn I receive so much more for which to be grateful. It all comes full circle..

I am also consciously not pushing so hard at what anyone else, including myself, have perceived as a successful life. My lesson has been to ease up on myself and simply live in love, compassion, presence and ease. These revelations are some of the gifts I have gleaned due to my participation in circles. Each of these can be applied to our every day lives for more balance.


  • Create a “Ritual” before jumping into your daily activities. For example: light a candle and take time to pause to center yourself — to simply connect and be in a state of appreciation
  • Guide your gatherings into a “single conversation” with one person speaking at a time, while all others are listening and fully present with one another
  • Take time to slow down and connect with one another and the ONENESS…in silence
  • Mutually support one another
  • Breathe deeply, filling yourself up with love and appreciation in every moment
  • And finally, (the one I find most challenging) have absolutely no judgement towards others and yourself

images-1Taking part in circle gatherings brings authenticity into our lives and has a healing effect on the world. We are reminded that we were born with magnificent wisdom and a divine nature. Being in circle can serve as an important reminder to each of us to tap into that “Goddess” part of us, and not get lost or caught up in the hectic pace we have created in our lives.

Deborah Koppell Mitchell is a Circle Facilitator and publisher of Spheres Circles Magazine and website. Spheres magazine and website serves as a connecting tool which is a resource and forum for expression of the feminine heart, (recently expanded to also include men in a one-of-a-kind “Yin/Yang style” magazine!)   Deborah is a contributing-author of the book, From Inspiration to Realization: Real Women Reveal Proven Strategies For Person, Business, Financial, and Spiritual Fulfillment. Drawing on more than 10 years of experience in marketing, public relations, and event promotion, her work continues to evolve as she creates more venues for connecting with the intention of benefiting all through sharing of the heart.


Visit www.sphereswomenscircleså.com to learn more about Spheres Circles magazine, Circle Events, and Circle Services.