Gary Mallaber, the jazz & blues drummer, launched in the music industry through being signed by George Harrison at Columbia Records. He was so gracious to come onto the show & share his story about growing up in Buffalo & how he made his mark.

Gary grew up right in Buffalo, NY, a hub for several musicians to make their mark along the years. He found his passion on the streets of Buffalo and has been thankful for that time ever since. He started playing live events as a junior in high school.

Starting in the band, Raven, he was signed to Colombia Records as his first big break. He was also in a band with the late Tommy Calandra. He was looking for a direction in the music industry and was able to work with many musicians who shaped his career and created a path for his passion. Eventually, he ended up being the drummer for the famous Steve Miller Band. He produced and wrote about 80% of the project of Abracadabra.