Passionate Living

Passionate Living Articles

Kenny Loggins: Lost in a Rainforest

Kenny Loggins wrote this story for Passionate Living slightly over a decade ago. I just came across it the other day while going through old files and being that it is yet current in its application to life and such a great story, I thought it would be fun to share it with our readers. By Kenny Loggins Several years ago, I spent some blissful time in a friend’s small tree house, built 50 feet up a giant tree in Hawaii’s King Kamehameha’s valley. Because [...]

Edible, Native Plants: Mother Nature’s Passionate Buffet

It’s such an amazing realization that when I take a hike in the through the woods or local park, that all of those plants, shrubs, trees and fungi that I pleasurably view are also a part of our food chain. It totally changes my perspective on nature to think of each of these individual plants is a vital player in the circle of life. Many of the local flora that we see are actually a part of our own food chain, in the form of [...]

Soul Family Bliss Out

It is one of those days, unbeknownst to me, where magic is lurking just around the corner. Because I am tired from lack of sleep, I find myself lingering in bed. The thought of catching just a little more shut-eye seems irresistible and my exodus from bed approaches the light speed of “molasses in January,” as my grandpa would have said. I almost cancelled this trip because of being so tired, but it felt important to connect with soul family who I haven’t seen in a [...]

The Passionate Palette

Passion is a fire that is ignited from within and when we are attempting to tap into this volcanic wealth of energy, there is no better method than to visit your household kitchen. Be it romantic passion or simply a day-to-day passion for all that is good in this worldSea Vegetables, especially for the tummy, then join us on this venture into the world of passionate cooking. First and foremost, if you are in a relationship, the kitchen is one of the greatest arenas to experience foreplay in the [...]

A Shamanic Adventure With Huichol Shaman, Brant Secunda

Though this story took place a few years ago, I just rediscovered it among my archive of blogs and think it will be inspiring for parents and children alike. Cat with Brant Secunda My son protested, “Where are we going? You can’t be serious? We’re gonna do what for the weekend? A shamanic adventure?!?" Needless to say, dragging my youngest offspring to a Huichol Indian retreat somewhere in the Pocono Mountains was probably not the most popular suggestion I could have presented to him [...]

Greatest Love Affair

Do this exercise for 30 consecutive days and keep a journal of the changes. For me, the essential part of immersing into passionate living was learning to love myself more fully. Loving oneself is one of the greatest key ingredients on this journey. When we fall, we need to pick ourselves up, forgive ourselves for falling, and then get back on the path, where the next joy-filled opportunity is ready to present itself to us – if we’re open to it. I invite you to [...]

Meditation Works Miracles on People in Places You’d Least Expect

Several years ago, Nancy Slomowitz was so fed up that she wanted to walk away from the highly successful and profitable corporation she had built.  Her enterprise, Executive Management Associates, has helped redesign the operations of major governmental agencies to eliminate wasteful practices, work more efficiently, and run more profitably.  Although the work of the company was saving the U.S. Department of Transportation and others clients millions of dollars annually, the high stress atmosphere had exacted a heavy toll on the quality of life in [...]

Life Transformation brings Jewels of Passionate Wisdom

This is a blog from several years back … the archives of my own journey. I thought that parents going through the empty next phase would relate and enjoy the magic of this story. My youngest son decided to move east with his eldest brother for college and I was left with my first experience as an empty nester. After 24 years of being a full time, single parent it seemed as though a huge hole had just appeared in my life! I knew that [...]

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