Do this exercise for 30 consecutive days and keep a journal of the changes.

For me, the essential part of immersing into passionate living was learning to love myself more fully. Loving oneself is one of the greatest key ingredients on this journey. When we fall, we need to pick ourselves up, forgive ourselves for falling, and then get back on the path, where the next joy-filled opportunity is ready to present itself to us – if we’re open to it.

I invite you to “have an affair with yourself,” as you can be the most amazing lover that you’ve ever known. This process involves touching your body each morning with tender love.  Keep a Journal of the changes you experience over the course of time as you practice the exercises.  Give your self at least a week, ideally a month, as it may be challenging initially to embrace transformational practices. A habit can be developed or broken in thirty consecutive days of practice, so please give it a good shot. This is a great exercise to do first thing in the morning, before getting out of bed.

First, take a deep breath and feel yourself fully in the moment. Then, touch your cheek and tell yourself, “I love you, you’re so beautiful.” Imagine telling yourself these words as a lover would tell them to you. Then, tenderly touch your lips and repeat the words. Next, touch your neck, and continue repeating this process through your arms, and breasts, expressing deep words of love to your self. Then, place your hand on your heart; take a bit longer to send love to this area of your body since this is the place which responds to healing at a deep level. Remember that breath is an important part of this exercise, as it seems to dispel any fear and tension you might be carrying with you. Conscious breathing helps you to be “present in the moment” with your body. The belly is another area that’s wonderful to embrace and give thanks to, especially if you’ve carried children. Continue to your thighs, buttocks and wherever else you feel compelled to give attention. Be especially present with places in your body that you’ve held in low esteem. During this exercise, release all judgments, and simply appreciate the gift of your body exactly as it is, not how you think it should be. If there is roundness in your belly, or plumpness in your thighs, enjoy feeling the softness and warmth.  Feel any negative or judgmental thoughts melting away, and be filled with the warmth of self-love and appreciation.  Love is always more healing than any form of self-criticism. As I mentioned above, initially it may feel a bit strange to you loving yourself in such a way, but just give it a try and enjoy it!  Begin each day with this same ritual.

There are so many methods of allowing more love into our lives.  For my own path, I strive to keep things simple. When I begin a method of re-centering, I’m always guided to my next step with great ease. Please visit our website, and share with our readers what you’ve done to enter a deeper place of self-love.  It’s so important that we pass on to those around us what we’ve learned on this path and what really works. Joy and passion are contagious!

Again, do this exercise daily for at least thirty days, and keep a Journal of your progress. The results when you have an affair with yourself are astonishing. Loving YOU, first and foremost, opens your heart to all of life.  It also affects you on deep, physiological levels. My dear friend Dr. Daniel Amen ( says that you have to repeat a behavior for thirty days to create a new habit … so give it a try!!!